Holistic Therapies
and Energy Medicine

by Yvette Woodrow

Most Holistic techniques address the human energy field. From Quantum physics we know that all matter is composed of various forms of vibration and energy waves. All living things are formed and controlled by electrical fields that can be measured with the right equipment. These "fields of life" which are in and around our bodies are the basic blueprint and contain all information about our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual processes.

Energy is a cornerstone in Eastern Medicine. The basic concept is that we have centres (chakras) scattered along the central line of the body which take in or give out energy. These can be likened to the electrical panel boxes that we find in our homes. The breakers (chakras) control the flow of energy to the different circuits (meridians). The source of this energy (Power plant) resides in our higher consciousness.

When we are healthy the energy flows through these breakers and circuits without disruption. However when too much stress, trauma, illness and/or disease are present there can be a disruption in this system, which can be likened to an overload on the breakers which may eventually cause a complete disconnection in a circuit. Powerful pulsing biomagnetic fields have been measured emanating from the hands of practitioners using Energy
techniques. Holistic therapies addressing this energy field, focus on helping the client restore balance, harmony and normal flow back to these systems.

- The following article is the full length and more complex version that the above is taken from.

Holistic Therapies
in the context of Energy Medicine
by June Yvette Woodrow

The Basis for Energy Medicine

Many modern holistic, alternative/complimentary methods and techniques which are becoming popular today have their basis in the human energy field. We need to look to quantum physics if we hope to gain an insight
into the mechanisms of this complex field. All matter is composed of various forms of vibration and energy waves. All living things from plants to animals to humans are formed and controlled by electrical fields that can be measured with the right equipment. These "fields of life" which are in and around our bodies are the basic blueprint and contain all information about our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual processes.

The concept of energy fields has been a cornerstone in Eastern philosophies for at least the past thousand years. Although different traditions use different words and language to describe them the basic concept seems to be shared. Putting it simply, we have centres (chakras) scattered along the central line of the body which take in or give out energy. These can be likened to the electrical panel boxes that we find in our homes. The breakers (chakras) control the flow of energy to the different circuits (meridians). The source of this energy (Power plant) resides in our higher consciousness whether we wish to call it our Higher Self, Spirit, God/Goddess, Creator, Universal Oneness or the Great Mystery dependant on our own beliefs..

When we are healthy the energy (ch'i , prana or life force/spirit) flows through these breakers and circuits without disruption. However when too much stress, trauma, illness and/or disease are present there can be a disruption in the balance, harmony and transmission of energy through the chakras and/or meridian systems. This can be likened to an overload on the breakers which may eventually cause a complete disconnection in a circuit. As well there can be changes in current flow through the meridians. Another useful analogy is to think of the meridians much like a hose. If there is a kink in the hose, pressure builds up behind the kink and little or no water flows through. It is felt that this blockage of energy can be on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level. Holistic therapists are aware of this energy field and treatment is focused at helping the client restore balance, harmony and normal flow back to these systems.

There are a couple of important principles which underlie treatment on the energy level:

  • We all have the potential to develop an inner awareness which leads to self healing. Therapists are merely the guides or facilitators of this process. Self healing can happen on any level and does not necessarily mean a cure to physical disease. Alternative treatment should be complimentary to conventional treatment.
  • The intention of the client and the therapist is of prime importance. Several scientific studies have shown the power of intention (prayer) to heal or help ourselves/another grow, when that intention comes from unconditional love. It is also important to let go of a specific outcome as healing takes place at whatever level is for our highest good.
  • An essential element is for the therapist to centre ( connect with Divine/universal energy) and ground connect with earth energy) to achieve a balanced state conducive to the healing process. This produces or enhances the relaxation response in the body of both practitioner and client, thus decreasing anxiety. Clients should also be taught to centre and ground.

Following is a brief description of Energy techniques that I am familiar with :

Therapeutic Touch

  • This is a method of balancing and increasing the body's energy to promote healing. The practitioner centres and grounds mentally, connecting to the Universal energy of unconditional love with the highest intention for the client. The practitioner passes her/his hands over the body and often a few inches from the body. An assessment is first done by doing several sweeping passes over and around the body. Each therapist may be picking up different sensations such as heat, cold, prickling, thickness etc.. The therapist then intuitively goes to the areas where different sensations were felt and may clear this area with sweeping or unruffling motions or may just leave hands over an area as transfer of energies occurs. Some clients experience an awareness of where the therapists hands are without using their eye sight. Some experience heat or other pleasant sensations. Most people feel a deeper state of relaxation occurring in their bodies and along with this relaxation there can in an increase in the healing rate of some disorders such as fractures, wounds, etc..while other disorders such as cancer can benefit from a reduction in pain symptoms. Therapeutic Touch has no known harmful side effects.


  • Acupressure points are points on the skin in which the electrical resistance is up to 96% lower than lsewhere on the body, and thus these points can be tapped, rubbed or sustained pressure used on them by the therapist and/or client to affect change in this energetic system. My hands are intuitively drawn to acupressure points while using myofascial release techniques and when symptoms felt and described by the client arise along the pathways of any of these meridians further techniques to address the meridian system may be considered. There are 12 meridians associated with different organs and 2 central meridians. These meridians are also associated with various emotional states both positive and negative. Some of the following techniques may be used to address the meridian system:
    • Relaxation/visualization techniques
      Relaxation/ visualization techniques are used to connect our mental processes with our physiological responses in the body. These tools are very useful in helping us to harness the power of the mind to become grounded , to strengthen our immune system, to decrease muscle tension, to increase our production of endorphins (the body's natural pain relievers) and bring up a focus of positive healing energy in ourselves and our abilities.
    • Precautions
      Clients on medication may require reduction or modification as physiological requirements can change as client learns to decrease stress response in the body. As a mind/body/spirit technique it can elicit cellular memories of past events and bring up past emotional responses which have been suppressed or forgotten on a conscious level. Also a portion of the population may find themselves in a trance state, as relaxation is simply one end of a continuum while hypnosis is at the other end.
    • Thought Field Therapy/Emotional Freedom technique
      This is a technique which utilizes the acupressure points on certain meridians in combination with visualization and mental affirmations to bring about changes in the flow of energy in specific meridians where problems have been identified. I make use of information supplied by the client as well as having them tune into body symptoms and sensations as they rub or tap the acupressure points in a specific sequence. This form of body biofeedback is very useful in helping clients to change core belief systems and past programming which no longer serve them. Kinesiology testing and/or pendulum testing and intuition is used in conjunction with the body biofeedback to arrive at the algorithms (formulas) needed to help change this programming.
    • Precautions
      Cellular memories may surface as explained above. These same memories/feelings may be linked with present physical symptoms. Tuning into this type of body language may make you more aware of other emotional links to body pain. **Psychological counselling to counsellors who also work with mind/body/spirit integration techniques may be advised.

Bach Flower Rescue Remedy -

  • The healing energy of flowers and their colour has been suspended in concentrated form in an alcohol base. This remedy works on the energy system of the body. It helps to prevent or quickly overcome the energy trauma (anything that depletes our energy) that would otherwise have physical consequences. It can have a stabilizing and calming effect in a great variety of stress-inducing situations. I always have this present during treatments as occasionally tapping into cellular memories can produce a very strong physiological response. In these cases a few drops of Rescue Remedy diluted in a glass of water prevents the disintegration of the energy system, or quickly restores it to normal. The energetic healing process can then continue.
    • Precaution
      There are no known side effects, however the flower essences are suspended in an alcohol base. Should this present a problem when taking orally please state so, as it also works effectively when rubbed on the skin at the temples, behind the ear or on the wrists.

Peace be with you.

Yvette Woodrow (306) 258-2227
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Able Crystals at the Devic Centre - www.ablecrystals.com

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